Friday, February 5, 2010

How do you nurse a chipmunk back to health and make sure you can release it back into the wild?

I have found two chipmunks. Their eyes just opened. I can not find the nest as they were scattered over the yard. 3 found dead and 2 alive. I put the 2 in what I thought was the nest two days ago and have been watching it. This morning my poodle found them in the middle of the yard again. One has a mangled back leg (the same one from 2 days ago). I have not seen any sign of the mother and do not know where the nest is. I figured they have survived two days and I will help them. I just want to be able to release them as I do not think it is wise to keep wild animals as pets. I found a website with food ideas and I think they did ok. I know the chances of survival are slim but I thought I would take a crack at it. The one with the mangled leg actually look pretty strong. I think the leg is broke. Can it heal? and will he survive in the wild if it doesnt?How do you nurse a chipmunk back to health and make sure you can release it back into the wild?
You need to take it to the vets.

The one with the broken leg won't survive well in the wild, at all. It will be caught by larger things and killed.

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