Friday, February 5, 2010

How to make the chipmunk voice?

on windows movie maker, ppl say you can speed it up, save it and then slow it down but on mine it doesnt keep the chipmunk voice when i move it to a slower temp. :(

Am I doing it wrong? I also have adobe premiere but i dont know how to change pitch on there some free software? and please dont say audicity (or w/e its called) b/c this isnt a music file, its a video. and so all i get from that software is static.

thank you!How to make the chipmunk voice?
Okay, so I'll show you the steps, and yes, you will need Audacity.

1 - start premiere

2 - import the video file

3 - drag the clip to the timeline. You will see two tracks: a video track, and an audio track.

4 - right mouse-click the audio clip on the audio track. Choose ';UNLINK'; in the menu. This will unlink video from the audio. Be careful not to move anything now.

5 - deselect both tracks, and select the audio track

6 - Choose FILE--%26gt;EXPORT--%26gt;AUDIO

7 - In the export dialog, click the SETTINGS button

8 - Change the file type to AUDIO INTERCHANGE FILE FORMAT and click OK

9 - name your file, and click SAVE.

10 - Start Audacity

11- Open the exported *.aiff file in Audacity. (p.s. exported wav files seem to crash Audacity - no problems with aiff)

12 - You will see the sound file in Audacity. Hit %26lt;CTRL%26gt; - %26lt;A%26gt; or EDIT--%26gt; SELECT--%26gt;ALL in the menu.

13 - Choose EFFECT--%26gt;PITCH in the menu

14 - Move the slider to the right to increase the pitch. Click PREVIEW to test the result before clicking OK. The tempo remains the same. Click OK when ready.

15 - Choose FILE--%26gt;EXPORT AS WAV and save the file.

16 - Import the newly created file into Premiere.

17 - Get rid of the existing audio track clip - click the audio track clip and hit delete on the keyboard.

18 - drag the new high pitched version in the audio track - make sure it lines up with the video track.

Done! You now replaced the original audio version with a chipmunk version audio track. If you want to link those two, select both tracks, right-mouse click and choose LINK.

Choose FILE--%26gt;EXPORT--%26gt;MOVIE to export the timeline and save the movie. Make sure to select the timeline window first, otherwise the option will be greyed out.

Have fun!

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