Sunday, February 7, 2010

How to nurse a baby chipmunk?

So my cats brought in 2 chipmunks today, a baby and an older one that I'm almost certain was the mom looking for her baby. Cats will be cats. the baby was left in the food bowl and I managed to get the cats outside (they are outside cats, but come in the garage at night) and close the door but there is no sign of the mom. I even went outside for about an hour and just walked around looking for anything. So now I have a baby chipmunk curled up on a towel in a shoebox so young his eyes haven't opened (or he might still be frightened from the attack) It doesn't appear to be injured, there is one area that looks like where the cats bit, but its not bleeding, just a little tattered, but anyway...

what do I go about doing to make sure he/she lives? Is there some formula I need to get to help him or her drink? and what is it suppose to eat? Should I do something about the possible wound?

I'm looking for serious answers here.How to nurse a baby chipmunk?
If you know that the chipmunk is orphaned, it will have littermates that also need help so continue to check the area frequently for up to a week. Handling of the chipmunk should be minimal, give toys to stimulate, keep confined (i.e. in a cage), and do not treat as a pet. It is illegal to keep as a pet plus it wouldn't make a good pet, as it's a wild animal.

Orphans that have been without their mother will be suffering from chill and dehydration. They must be thoroughly warmed first, and then offered warmed rehydration solution. Pedialyte is a rehydration solution available in drug stores-it should be heated to body temperature and offered every 2 hours for the first several feedings using a 1cc oral syringe. Feed the baby chipmunk esbilac powder, mix only enough for 24hrs and keep it refrigerated. Esbilac is a puppy milk replacer, which you should be able to purchase at a vet or pet store. Human baby pablums, cows milk, and most pet products (except Esbilac) are not suitable and will likely cause death.

EDIT! looking at another site I found this:

CAT BITES KILL. Cat bites must be treated with a wide spectrum antibiotic such as Clavamox (safe and contains clavalanic acid as well as amoxicillin). Obtain this drug from your vet. Don't accept amoxicillin alone - it will not kill the gram negative bacteria that is in a cat bite. Clean all punctures by flushing with betadine. Hydrogen peroxide is a poor anti-bacterial flushHow to nurse a baby chipmunk?
i have raised a squrille b4 and when i had to feed it i used a serenge and put warm milk mixed wit water and gave it that 4-6 times a day

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